tisdag 6 maj 2008


Ough, I hate being ill. It started yesterday afternoon when I was at my parents house, my troath felt bad and a had a bad headache (which actually isn't unusual at all, but this was the "starting-to-get-ill headache")

I was so hoping I should feel fine today if I just went to bed early. Sadly I didn't. So right now I'm drinking hot water with a lot of honey in it, like my third cup for today, and it really helps! :)

I've been talking to csn this morning and they said that I will get my money this thursday - and then she said how much! I thought I was going to fall of my chair! I thought I would get like 4000 sek, but no! She said 9000 something sek! That means I will make the summer! :) Feels great! Okey, sure I will have to return the money later on, but not until I's got a job, so it's not a problem! :)

So, two thing done already on my to-do list (as I'm doing the laundry as I sit here) and just a few to go! :) And later me and my father will be out practising driving and parking the car :) Really need to get going now as I'm planning to get my drivers license in the summer or early fall :)

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