söndag 4 maj 2008


So, I've got a new blog and this will be the first post.

In this blog I will write about my life and all what comes with it; my boyfriend, friends, shopping, interior, fashion and education, you know - the regular.

So, who am I?
I'm a 19 year old swedish girl who lives in a apartment in Kumla, Sweden. I'm studying logistics and I have just about a year to go, which feels great, I'm really looking forward to start working!
I'm taking any opportunity to spend time with my boyfriend when he's in Sweden and when he's not here I spend as much time as I can with my friends.
I love fashion and interior, but as I'm a student I cannot live out my dreams, as "student" is synonymous with "poor".

So that was a very short presentation of myself, but you will get to now me as you read my blog! My ambition is to blog at least once a day, but some days are stressier than others... You get the point :)

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