torsdag 21 augusti 2008


I guess most of you guys have already heard!
I passed the test and today I went to the post offce to get my drivers license that had finally arrived :)

Sooo wonderful!
I almost can't believe it. It's great to be able to just take the car and drive anywhere you want, whenever you want. I love it! :)

And it's just one day left in school before the weekend! So lovely! And my boyfriend is coming home saturday night :) Miss him.


torsdag 14 augusti 2008

Today's the day

Just a couple of hours left!

You know how upset I was about that I had to wait so long to do my drivers license test, well, this is the day. About four hours left! I can't hardly believe it. And I really hope I will pass...

The plan for today is to have breakfast (about now), take a shower and go to my father and go for a 1-2 hour ride with the car, practicing parking and just driving aroung. Then it's time for lunch and after that I'm off to the trafic school, we'll be driving for about 30 min before the actual test.

To be honest I'm a bit nervous. But still I think it will be just fine if I just relax, pay attention and drive carefully! :) Cause I know I'm a good driver, so the only way I can mess up is by not paying attention och doing something stupid. If I just drive like I use to I will pass :)

Wish me luck! :)

söndag 3 augusti 2008

I kissed a girl

I'm gonna try something I haven't done before in this blog. Let's see if it will work!

Wow! I did it! At least it seems like it! :)

This song with Katy Perry is set on repeat at my place! No, just kidding! But i really like it, I can't get it out of my head! I love the song and the video is really goodlooking! Can't stop looking at it! :)

lördag 2 augusti 2008

Long time no see

I know it was a long time since my last update, over a month.
I just haven't felt like blogging for a while.

On monday school starts again and I so don't feel like it. But I guess it's a good thing anyway, cause that means I will get an education and then I will be able to get myself a good job and earn a lot of money so I can buy lots and lots of shoes! :)

One more good thing is that it's less than two week until my drivers licens test! :) If I pass it will be so much easier with the internship this fall and also easier to get a job, as almost every job require a drivers license.

Well, I guess I better go to bed now. I actually planned to talk to my baby, but it seems like he's late (and I'll blame the italians, I think that was where he was going today) so it will have to wait to tomorrow.

Now I'm off to bed!
